Two Strange Words That Could Lead to a Happier Life

Every year, a group of leading universities from around the world release the World Happiness Report. The report is an in-depth analysis of the level of happiness experienced by citizens in each country, and ranks those countries to determine which ones are the happiest.

In 2024, as in past years, the Scandinavian countries ranked at or near the top of the list. Finland led the way, with the Netherlands not too far behind in sixth position. The United States finished twenty-third.

There are two things that the Dutch (that’s what people from the Netherlands are called) do that helps to make them among the happiest people in the world. Those two things are nisken and gezellig.


Nisken, or the Dutch art of doing nothing, is like a super weapon used by happy people throughout the Netherlands. But to call it the “art of doing nothing” is a bit of a misnomer. Nisken does not always involve doing nothing. It could involve reading a book, listening to music, or going for a walk. Or it could involve literally doing nothing, such as sitting and staring out the window.

The point of nisken is to relax, unwind, and recharge. The point is not to accomplish anything or to work toward a goal. It is not to be productive. It involves a lack of proactive behavior. It may not be doing nothing, but it isn’t about doing anything either.

Don’t confuse nisken with meditation. Unlike nisken, meditation involves rules. Often, people only practice meditation in a certain location at a certain time. Meditation is more of a practice than nisken, which is more of an eleent of a healthy, happy lifestyle. Meditation has an ultimate goal. Nisken does not.

The irony of nisken is that, while it isn’t designed to accomplish anything, by practicing nisken, people become happier and more productive. In case you didn’t know, the Dutch are among the most productive people in the world.

But being more productive is a side benefit of nisken. It’s a happy accident. Nisken tends to improve the lifestyle of people who incorporate it into their lives. And to get the most out of nisken, it should be scheduled and made a priority, not just something that happens when the time is right or the stars align.

Action Plan: Schedule Nisken into your daily life. If daily initially seems too often, start by integrating time for nisken into your life weekly. Be conscious about making time for nisken. Make it a priority.


Gezellig is a Dutch word that, translated into English, means “pleasant.” But that’s really not a very good translation. It doesn’t completely capture the true meaning of Gezellig.

For the Dutch, gezellig is a feeling of coziness or togetherness. It’s the joy felt when sharing time with friends or family. It’s a place or event that is inviting, pleasant, and fun.

Gezellig could involve spending  time with close friends or loved ones at a comfortable, fun location. It could involve spending time at a fun, pleasant event with a significant other or family member. It could also involve sharing time with friends or family celebrating a special occasion.

Notice the common thread running through these experiences? They all involve spending time with others, most often people who are special to us. But the thing that the Dutch do differently than those of us in the United States is, when they practice gezellig, they do so as a common or frequent occurrence.

Getting together with friends or family, especially for Americans as they grow older, becomes a less and less frequent occurrence.  By contrast, the Dutch make gezellig a routine practice, meeting up with friends and family daily or every few days. For the Dutch, it’s less of a special occasion than it it is a common occurrence.

But Gezellig isn’t just getting together with friends or family. It also involves making any moment more pleasant or comforting. It is unusual for the Dutch to do almost anything without a cup of tea and a snack, like a cookie. And to be gezellig, the Dutch don’t rush through the experience.  In fact, there is a Dutch saying that “Gezellig knows no time.” They slow down and savor the time together, making the gezelig experience a priority.

At it’s core, gezellig involves taking something ordinary and making it more special. It involves consciously making an act or event more cozy or pleasant. It’s all about the daily pursuit of happiness. And when you can turn something ordinary into something special and cozy, and can connect it with another person, especially a friend or loved one, you have gezellig.

Action Plan: Make getting together with friends or loved ones a priority. Make it a routine occurrence. And make it happen in a special location and/or a special way that is less ordinary.


Unlike most of us here in the United States, the Dutch (and other Scandinavian countries) prioritize happiness in their lives. They are among the most productive people on Earth, but they are productive because they are happy, not the other way around.

For many of us in the United States, we prioritize material possessions over simple routine experiences as a way of achieving happiness. For instance, it would not be unusual to hear someone in the United States say something to the effect of, “When I have enough money in the bank, or a big enough house, or a fancy enough car, then I’ll be happy.” By contrast, the Dutch prioritize happiness by taking time to “do nothing” as well as routinely spend time with  friends and loved ones. Their happiness is a result of how they live their lives. They are not waiting to live a happy, meaningful lifestyle until (fill in the blank).

You could be living a happier lifestyle right now by emulating the Dutch. Don’t wait. Incorporate nisken and gezellig into your life and start reaping the benefits.



Internet Meme Gives Trump Supporters Faux Plausible Deniability

There’s an internet meme going around that was created with the apparent intention of allowing Trump supporters to distance themselves from the former President while continuing to support him. But, in order to accomplish that goal, the creator of the meme had to ignore what we know about where Trump stands on the issues and create an alternate reality where Trump’s policies and beliefs coincide with pro-American thoughts and values.

I wanted to highlight the meme and respond point-by-point to detail just how intellectually disingenuous it is, and by extension, how intellectually disingenuous Trump supporters are being who use the logic behind the meme as justification for their continued support of such a dishonest, dishonorable man. To do that, I’ve included the meme below in bold font. My responses are in italics.


Someone recently asked me why I like Trump. My answer was that I don’t really like a lot of things about Trump.

But this election is not about choosing the most likeable person.

We are voting between two vastly different ideologies. We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren.

To this point, this hasn’t gone too far off the rails. Anyone posting this meme (millions have posted it on Facebook and other social media platforms) is saying, “Sure, Trump can be a bit of a jerk, but I’m not voting for a best friend. I’m voting for the person who is going to lead our country. We’re voting for the future of the country, and the future of our children and grandchildren.” If I didn’t know what comes next, I’d think the meme to this point is reasonable. But I do know what comes next, and there’s nothing reasonable about it.

Trump represents that future and has proven that he can deliver. He is a patriot to the core and even served his country for 4 years without pay.

“Trump represents the future?” His entire schtick is about restoring some past glory to our country. His campaign is a throwback to a dark past where marginalized groups were kept in the shadows and treated as second class citizens, if they were acknowledged at all. No matter what you think about Trump, it’s hard to make the case that his campaign and the policy proposals he has embraced are forward looking. He is very much a retro-candidate.

“He is a patriot to the core?” Come on, this isn’t even close to being true. He went to great lengths to avoid military service, he has disrespected our troops time and time again, he’s suggested that we suspend the Constitution when it doesn’t suit his purposes, he encouraged a mob to attack our Capitol on January 6, and he did everything in his power to overturn a free and fair election that he lost. These are not the actions of a patriot. In fact, just the opposite. They are the action of an un-American provocateur. 

“(He) served his country for 4 years without pay.” This is a popular claim among Trump supporters to try to shine a positive light on their guy. It’s only partially true. The President earns $400,000 per year and he is not allowed to decline the payment. So, Trump was paid his salary just like every other president. 

However, it is true that Trump then made donations equal to his salary to various federal agencies, including the National Park Service and the Department of Health and Human Services. At the same time he made these donations, he was earning millions of dollars by charging federal employees–including his own Secret Service detail–to stay in one of the properties he owns. In many cases, he charged his own Secret Service detail more to stay at his property than would have been paid by someone off the street.

I don’t want to ignore the fact that Trump donated the equivalent of his Presidential salary to various government departments and agencies, but the fact remains that he made significantly more money off the federal government while he was president than he donated. He wasn’t serving us so much as he was serving himself.

That moment when someone says, “I can’t believe you’re voting for Trump”. I simply reply, “I’m NOT voting for Trump.”

I’m voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

Pointing to Trump (or any Republican) as the “Free Speech” candidate is laughable. It is Republicans throughout the country who are pushing to ban books in schools and public libraries. And it’s Republicans who are limiting what words and subjects can be taught in our public schools. That’s the opposite of free speech.

Project 2025 specifically lists words and phrases that cannot be used in federal legislation or department policy. For instance, words and phrases like “climate change,” “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” and “reproductive rights” are to be prohibited. That’s the opposite of free speech.

Trump himself, following his debacle of a debate with Kamala Harris, suggested that the ABC television network should lose their broadcast license because he was unhappy with how he was treated by the debate moderators. Does that sound like Trump is in favor of free speech or a free press? No, it’s the exact opposite.

I’m voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)

Earlier this year, members of Congress hammered out the toughest immigration bill in our nation’s history. It was a bipartisan bill that would have reduced the number of immigrants allowed into the country and would have added more border patrol agents to enforce the new limits. It was on the verge of being put up for a vote when Donald Trump instructed his fellow Republicans to kill it for fear that it would hurt his chances to win the election.

If immigration is such an important issue, how can Trump justify killing the bill to stem the tide of illegal immigrants entering our country? And if he cares more about himself than the safety of our country, why would you (or anyone) vote for him?

“I’m voting for election integrity?” Then why are you voting for Trump? He literally refused to accept the results of the 2020 election, is on tape trying to get the Secretary of State of Georgia to find more votes in his favor, and he was behind a scheme to submit fake electors so his vice-president could wrongly throw the election in his favor. Trump is the living embodiment of election fraud. No one can credibly claim they are in favor of election integrity and support Trump. The two are like oil and water.

Republicans like to push the idea of having to show ID in order to vote. I admit, I’m sympathetic to the idea. As the meme asks, why would anyone vote against this? Let me explain why.

It’s a trap. We’ve already seen in Alabama how this will work in red states. In preparation for the institution of voter ID laws, Alabama shut down dozens of DMV offices across the state, making it more difficult for people to obtain a state ID. In many cases, the closest DMV office for some Alabama citizens was two or three counties away. Not surprisingly, this impacted poor people–particularly people of color–in rural areas most drastically. 

Calling for mandatory voter ID, by itself, is not a bad thing. But without a requirement for states to provide easy access to the required ID, it is just another form of voter suppression.

I’m voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

Let me turn this one around and ask, why does anyone believe Trump is going to defend a person’s right to defend their life and the lives of their family members better than Kamala Harris. Both Harris and Tim Walz are gun owners. Both have supported a person’s right to self-defense.  It’s not like one candidate is calling for the confiscation of guns and the other is opposed to it. Both Trump and Harris believe that a person has the right to defend themselves.

The differences come in the margins. Harris wants common sense gun legislation, making it harder for people who shouldn’t have guns to get their hands on them, like the guy in West Palm Beach who wanted to kill Trump with an AK-47 rifle..  She wants universal background checks and mandatory gun registration. All of these proposals are widely supported by voters. 

I’m voting for the police to be respected once again.

Respecting the police and voting for Trump do not go together. Trump allowed his supporters to attack police mercilessly on January 6, and he didn’t lift a finger to stop it. He refers to those that have been jailed for attacking police on January 6 “hostages” and “political prisoners,” and has promised to consider pardons for them, as if he doesn’t think they should be punished at all for what they did to police that day. When he talks about the January 6 insurrection, he talks about the police being “on the other side” from him and his supporters. Does that sound like respect for the police? If you want the police to be respected again, keep Donald Trump as far away from the White House as possible.

I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)

“I am voting for law and order?” Donald Trump is literally a convicted felon.  He’s an adjudicated rapist. In what world does that make him the “law and order” candidate? 

Kamala Harris is a former prosecutor and was Attorney General (the highest law enforcement officer) of the largest state in the nation. Who the real “law and order” candidate is should be obvious.

It’s interesting to compare Tim Walz’s reaction to the riots in Minneapolis with Donald Trump’s reaction to the attack on the Capitol. Tim Walz called out the National Guard to quell the unrest. Donald Trump never asked the National Guard to intervene. Tim Walz probably waited too long before deploying the National Guard, but at least he did it. Donald Trump didn’t deploy them at all. Tim Walz condemned the violence and property damaged committed by rioters in Minneapolis. Donald Trump told rioters on January 6 that he loved them and that they were very special. So, tell me again, who let the situation get out of control?

I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)

I have trouble understanding this one. Criminals, unless sentenced to death or life in prison without parole, are always let back out onto the streets. Generally speaking, we don’t lock up criminals forever. The vast majority of people convicted of crimes and sentenced to prison eventually get out. 

And it’s important to remember that judges and juries, not the district attorney or attorney general, sentence criminals to prisons. Judges and juries decide how long criminals should spend in prison. That’s not up to the district attorney or attorney general. 

And I have to point out again, Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies and is awaiting sentencing. He’s facing dozens more indictments. Why would anyone trust him to strengthen our criminal justice system?

I’m voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Just a reminder that Trump has said at various times and in various ways that he does not want to be constrained by the Constitution. He may appoint federal judges that you like, but if you want to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (which are the first ten Amendments to the Constitution), Donald Trump is not the guy you should expect to do it for you.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

Another odd statement to make in support of Trump. During his Presidency, we were involved in combat in Afghanistan, and Trump threatened operations against North Korea and Iran. Currently, we are not involved in combat anywhere, and although we financially support Israel and Ukraine in their respective fights, we do not have any “boots on the ground.”

Considering Trump’s provocative nature and his animosity toward NATO and our allies, if you want to keep the United States out of foreign wars, you should also want to keep Trump out of the White House.

I’m voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

This is really not a partisan issue. The Electoral College is called for in the Constitution, and the only way to change it is to amend the Constitution. No one is calling for that or pushing for it. Neither Trump nor Harris are supporting such a Constitutional Amendment.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Okay, meme, you’re starting to repeat yourself.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world – to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

Trump was the first President since Herbert Hoover to see a net loss of jobs during his tenure, although manufacturing jobs grew during his Presidency by 3.4%.  Even so, job growth under Biden has been higher, including manufacturing jobs, which have grown by 6.5%, significantly outpacing Trump’s performance.

The Biden Administration has also invested heavily in new factories, through the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS Act, which has prioritized computer chip and semiconductor manufacturing on U.S. soil. 

Of course, Kamala Harris is not Joe Biden, but her commitment to keeping and creating jobs in the United States is similar. Again, Donald Trump doesn’t seem to be the horse to back when it comes to keeping jobs in the United States.

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens and homeless veterans.

This has always been a disingenuous argument. No American nor homeless veteran is doing without because money is being spent on illegal immigrants. It simply isn’t happening. Republicans like to paint illegals as the boogeyman, taking American jobs and preventing the government from taking care of our veterans. It’s not true. I’m not saying our homeless veterans aren’t being provided for. I’m saying it has nothing to do with illegal immigrants.

I’d like to know what all these “freebies” are the illegal immigrants are getting. You see, the claim is being made in such a way that it sounds like illegal immigrants are getting government handouts and living in luxury while veterans go homeless and hungry. That way, we can blame the immigrants for the poor living conditions of our veterans. But there’s little truth to either claim, and no connection between the treatment they each receive.

If Donald Trump is elected, he has vowed to round up illegals—primarily using local police to do the job—and deport them by the millions. In addition, he wants to build concentration camp-like facilities to house the illegals until they can be deported. What do you think all of this will cost? And if we’re spending so much money rounding up and deporting millions upon millions of illegal immigrants, will there be money for veterans? In fact, with our police busy rounding up illegals for the federal government, will they have the time and resources to serve and protect our communities?

I’m voting for the military & the veterans who fought for this country.

Donald Trump was an erratic Commander-in Chief who often disrespected our military members, calling them “suckers” and “losers,” and who instructed his chief of staff–a former four-star general–that he didn’t want to be seen with wounded veterans because it made him look bad. He traveled to Europe to commemorate D-Day, but then refused to go to the ceremony honoring our war dead because it was raining and ihe didn’t want to get his hair wet. He disparaged Sen. John McCain on several occasions, claiming McCain didn’t deserve to be called a hero despite being shot down over Vietnam and being held as a POW for several years. He verbally attacked a Gold Star family that spoke out against him at the Democratic National Convention in 2016. He called our military leaders “some of the dumbest people” he had ever met. He suggested that Gen. Mark Miley, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, should be tried and executed for treason because Miley was simply doing his job. He shot a campaign commercial at Arlington National Cemetery, where his staff verbally and physically assaulted an Army employee who tried to stop them, and he took a photo while standing over the graves of our war dead while giving a big thumbs up and smiling, like he was celebrating a victory of some sort.

I could go on, but I hope I’ve made my point. We have never had a President who held the members of the military in such low regard. Trump does not understand the concept of “service above self,” so he does not understand or respect the sacrifices made by our military. As his former military generals have stated, Donald Trump is a “disgrace” who is unfit to serve as our Commander-in-Chief.

I’m voting to keep men out of women’s sports.

This is not a real issue deserving of widespread attention. It impacts very few people, and it is not an issue that is being addressed by a presidential election. It may be red meat for the Republican base who focuses more on culture wars than actual policy issues, but it’s not something that is going to be decided as part of a presidential campaign.

I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

And you think Donald Trump can provide peace progress in the Middle East? What in his history would suggest he could bring peace to the Middle East?

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

Why would anyone view Donald Trump as the person to fight human and child sex trafficking? Did you see the photos of Trump with Jeffrey Epstein, one of America’s most infamous pedophiles and sex traffickers? Did you forget that Trump flew on Epstein’s plane at least seven different times? Have you heard about women who were recruited by Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell who claim that Trump raped them? Why do you think Donald Trump is more likely to fight against human and child trafficking, although he’s never done it in the past, rather than Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor and Attorney General, who has fought human/child sex trafficking most of her career?

I’m voting for Freedom of Religion.

Boy, do I have news for you. Donald Trump has already started surrounding himself with Christian Nationalists, including his VP pick, JD Vance. These people want to turn the United States into a theocracy, run by Christian Nationalists, based on Christian ideology, and favoring Christians over believers of other religions or no religion at all. Does that sound like religious freedom to you?

In fact, if Christian Nationalism takes hold, it will be the end of religious freedom in the United States. It will be the end of separation of church and state. And it will be the end of our pluralistic, muti-racial, multi-faith democracy. 

If you truly want religious freedom for everyone, you’ll want to keep Donald Trump away from the Oval Office.

I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

Just a reminder that it is Republicans, led by Donald Trump, who are changing the curriculum in our schools, doing away with actual history and replacing it with white-washed history, who are banning books, and limiting the subjects teachers can discuss with students. That’s true indoctrination. 

I’m not just voting for one person.

I’m voting for the future of my Country.

I’m voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms.

It’s always a good idea when you’re making a claim that you can’t back up with facts or data, to invoke “the children” to make it clear that you are truly well-meaning. But considering what you just read, do you really think that Donald Trump is what’s best for our children?

Let me ask this another way. Who would you trust more to watch your kids while you’re gone, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris?

Who would you rather your kids emulate, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris?

For me, the answer is easy. In fact, Donald Trump is everything I raised my kids not to be. He is the perfect bad example that parents can point to and tell their kids, when you grow up, don’t be like him.

America is the greatest country in the world, hense why everyone wants to immigrate here. So why do you want to change it?

Why do politicians want to enact policies that have failed in other countries throughout history?

These are good questions? Read Project 2025 (or The Trump Campaign’s condensed version, “Agenda 47”) then tell me who really wants to change our country. Republicans have been clear that they are moving toward a Christian nationalist autocracy, where the President has nearly unlimited power, people loyal to the President (rather than the country) run the government, and the people who agree with the President are favored, while those who oppose him are punished.

I’m not voting for Trump.

I’m voting for America.

If it helps you to sleep at night to say you’re not voting for Trump, you’re voting for America, good luck. If you have to make excuses, tell lies, twist and spin the facts in order to justify your vote, you probably already know that Donald Trump is not fit by temperament or ability to serve again as President. And, if you have to make excuses, maybe you should just be honest and admit that voting for Trump is not in the best interest of our country or your family.

There are two candidates in this race, and only one of them is promising to support our democracy and defend our Constitution, even when it’s inconvenient. That person is Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump has not only promised to do the exact opposite. He has already started doing the exact opposite. He tried to overthrow a free and fair election, he led an insurrection, he stood in the way of the peaceful transfer of power. He is a menace and a threat. He is a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist. He is dishonorable and a disgrace. Forty out of the forty-four cabinet members who worked for him during his Presidency say he is unfit for office. They know. They’ve seen him up close. For the sake of America, for the sake of your children and grandchildren, DO NOT vote for Donald Trump.

Copied and pasted, keep it going…

No, don’t Just don’t.



Manhattan Is An Island: The Great Boatlift of 9/11

It has been 23 years since the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Yet, even after 23 years, I continue to be amazed at the heroism contained in the largely untold stories of people who did what had to be done on that day.

I recently learned about the Great Boatlift of 9/11. It had never occurred to me before that after the airplanes hit the Twin Towers, Manhattan was shut down. As the title implies, Manhattan is an island, and with the bridges shut down by police, there was no way for people to get off the island. More than 500,000 people were stranded, and their only hope of escaping Manhattan was to leave by boat. Over the course of nine hours, both public and private boats carried people off the island in what became an even larger rescue mission than Operation Dynamo, the British operation that rescued nearly 350,000 stranded British and French soldiers trapped at Dunkirk during World War II.

It’s an amazing story that was told in the documentary Boatlift: An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience, narrated by Tom Hanks. It’s only 12 minutes long, but it’s a powerful reminder of how everyday people, when called upon, can do heroic things.


We’ve Reached The Limits of My Understanding

I used to understand the calculus of politics. I understood the structural dynamics of campaigns, candidates, and the electorate. I worked on three different campaigns for Congress, attended campaign manager training, received a master’s degree in political science, and I worked as a legislative liaison for one of the nation’s largest companies, building a grassroots political organization and working with company lobbyists (both internal and external) to craft and pass legislation.

I thought I knew my stuff. But the more I observe the current state of politics, particularly at the national level, the more I think I don’t know anything. Here’s what I mean:

Going back as far as I can remember, politicians were careful about what they said or did in public. They wanted to have a clean reputation in the eyes of the voters, and they wanted to make sure they didn’t do anything that could be used against them in a campaign. Sure, there were plenty of politicians who misbehaved and got caught, but at least whatever they were doing was done in private. They weren’t advertising their bad behavior. Just the opposite. They were trying to hide it.

That’s not the case today, at least not with Donald Trump. His bad behavior is on display for everyone to see. In some respects, that bad behavior is worn like a badge of honor, both by him and his supporters. And that’s the part of the political calculus I no longer understand.

The most recent example of Trump’s over-the-top bad behavior occurred a little over a week ago at Arlington National Cemetery. He was invited to the cemetery by some Gold Star families to participate in a wreath laying ceremony. Trump not only accepted the invitation, he brought along a crew to film a campaign ad. After the wreath laying ceremony, in which photos were taken by a Trump photographer, Trump went to another location in Section 60 of the cemetery where war dead from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are buried. He posed with supporters, including Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, for several different photos, while standing over the graves of fallen soldiers. In the photos, Trump (and several of his supporters) are smiling and giving a big thumbs up.

Of course, it is illegal to do what Trump did. Federal law prohibits political campaigns or election-related activities to be conducted within Army National Military Cemeteries. Trump’s campaign was advised of this law prior to their arrival at Arlington. Yet, they carried on with the illegal activity. And when an employee of Arlington National Cemetery tried to intervene and stop the illegal photo shoot, she was verbally and physically assaulted by Trump campaign aides.

I assume you know what Arlington National Cemetery is and why special rules apply there that might not apply elsewhere. Whether you are or not, I would recommend you read this editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle written by Sandy Alderson, former president and general manager of the NY Mets, and more importantly, a former Marine. In his editorial, Alderson, who was detailed while in the Marines to provide military honors at dozens of burials at Arlington National Cemetery, wrote:

“Not once, in all my visits to Arlington over the past 50 years, have I ever witnessed a ceremony, or heard of one, arranged, in whole or in part, for political gain. What I did see on those visits were families, many in their most vulnerable moments, coming together to honor loved ones who sacrificed so much for our country. Even for the grieving families who invited Trump, his campaign’s actions make clear they were the ones being used for his purposes, not theirs.”

Another read I would recommend is this poignant essay from Charlotte Clymer, a former Army soldier assigned to “The Old Guard,” the unit that provides military honors at Arlington National Cemetery. In her essay, Clymer gives us a glimpse into what it’s like to serve in such a sacred and important detail. It is both heartbreaking and inspiring to hear what lengths military members go to in order to bring honor to our fallen heroes and comfort to their families.

It’s worth reading Clymer’s entire essay, but I wanted to share a few concluding paragraphs she wrote:

“I fully admit to being a partisan, but for me, none of this is about politics because none of the Republicans or conservatives I have ever known would so much as consider showing anything but respect and admiration for our service members, our veterans, and their families.

“This is not about favor for any party or campaign because the moment you enter Arlington, politics are to be left at the gate. It’s not about you or me or anyone other than those buried in that ground and their loved ones who will never see them again because of their collective sacrifices.

“But Donald Trump is unwilling or unable to understand that because he cannot conceive of offering the highest degree of selfless service to our nation. The concept of ‘all gave some, some gave all’ is entirely incomprehensible to him. And therefore, he cannot extend proper respect to our military.”

After the debacle at Arlington, Gov. Cox used one of the photos taken of him at a gravesite in a campaign email. But he quickly issued an apology for the email and for participating in the politically motivated photo opportunity. He seemed to sense that what had been done–using the graves of America’s war dead as a prop for a fundraising email—had gone too far.

Former President Trump, on the other hand, showed absolutely no such remorse, taking a decidedly combative stance. Initially, his campaign accused the cemetery employee of having a mental health episode and denied that there was a physical altercation. But the Army issued a statement indicating that, in fact, a physical altercation had occurred, but that the Army employee didn’t wish to pursue charges because she was afraid of the repercussions that Trump supporters might carry out against her.

Next, Trump suggested that the Gold Star families who participated in the photo opportunity with him may have set him up for the bad publicity. Trump’s campaign quickly shut down that suggestion, and instead claimed that they had video evidence showing that no physical altercation with the Army employee had occurred. However, they refused to turn over the supposed video evidence to back up that claim.

Most recently, after feeling the backlash from both civilian and military groups, Trump has claimed that there was no controversary during his visit to Arlington (Remember, the Army had already issued a statement indicating that members of Trump’s campaign verbally and physically assaulted the Army employee) and blaming Kamala Harris (who he smugly refers to as “Comrade” Kamala Harris) for spreading what he called a “hoax.”

Such behavior from any other political figure would quickly derail their campaign and likely end their political career. This is especially true considering the previous instances where Trump disrespected our military members, calling them “suckers” and “losers,” and refusing to attend a ceremony to honor them because it was raining and he didn’t want to get his hair wet. He also disparaged former Sen. John McCain for being shot down and taken captive during the Vietnam War, saying he liked people who weren’t captured. In addition, he claimed that the Presidential Medal of Freedom was a better award than the Medal of Honor, the U.S. Military’s highest award, because most of the people who received the Medal of Honor were either all shot up or killed. And of course, how can we forget that time he verbally attacked the parents of a soldier who had been killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq after they spoke at the Democratic National Convention in 2016? Any of the incidents on their own would be a death knell for a political candidate. But not for Trump. Instead, his supporters stand behind him, using pretzel logic to make excuses for his behavior or denying that such behavior even occurred, despite loads of evidence to the contrary.

This is the part of the political calculus that I no longer understand. With very few exceptions, through the years, both political parties have nominated people of character and integrity to represent them in the presidential election. But Donald Trump has proven time and time again that he is completely lacking in character and integrity. In addition to his behavior at Arlington National Cemetery and his complete lack of remorse, consider that he has been adjudicated as a rapist, hung around with one of our nation’s most infamous pedophiles, has been convicted on 34 felony counts, and has been indicted on dozens more. Yet, he has been the Republican candidate for president in the last three elections, and the party stalwart continue to support his candidacy. I don’t get it.

Donald Trump has said and done many things since he descended that golden escalator in 2015 that have repulsed and angered me, but there’s nothing he has done in his public life that has so thoroughly disgusted me as the stunt he pulled at Arlington National Cemetery. Arlington is hallowed ground, perhaps the most sacred place in our nation. How Trump is still a viable candidate with a very realistic chance of becoming our next President is beyond my comprehension. I just don’t see how anyone who considers themselves a good citizen and who holds firm to American values can still support such a despicable, disrespectful, and dishonorable human being. I don’t understand, and I’m not sure that I want to.


A Thousand Ways Home Cover Reveal

Seeing the cover of a new book for the first time is always exciting. It’s like putting a face to a character. The book has lived on paper as just words for months or years, but once the cover is ready, those words really come to life. It makes the book and the story it tells real.

I’m excited to introduce the cover for A Thousand Ways Home. I wanted a cover that had some history to it, and that gave a dark, foreboding feeling. Much of the story takes place in England during World War II. It was a dark time in history when hope was in short supply. German bombs had decimated much of London, and Londoners were forced to live in a bombed-out war zone, while also carrying on with their daily activities. I think the cover depicts that time perfectly.

A Thousand Ways Home will be available beginning on July 5 at and at your local bookstore.  Without further adieu, here is the cover for A Thousand Ways Home:



Introducing A Thousand Ways Home

It’s been a while since I published a book. The Ones That Got Away was published in 2020, then I took a break to do a different kind of writing. I wrote a master’s thesis in political science and did a little nonfiction writing. It kept me busy, but it wasn’t as satisfying for me as writing fiction.

The past year I’ve been working on a historical novel. It takes place in the early and mid- 1900s and involves a guy who spent his youth in an upscale neighborhood of Chicago. His childhood was privileged, but unhappy. He never felt like he belonged, or that the house he lived in was his “home.” So, after graduating from college, he sets out to find the home that has eluded him for his young life.

His journey takes him to Paris and London, where he settles down and establishes a routine. He thinks he’s found the home he’s been searching for, but World War II intervenes, throwing his world into chaos. He has to find a way to pick up the pieces of his broken life, all while avoiding German bombs and callous opportunists trying to take away what little he has left.

The novel is called A Thousand Ways Home and it’s almost ready to be released into the world. The cover for the book is being produced right now, and I have a publication date of July 5. That date is coming up fast and there’s still work to be done. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.


The Sandberg Game

In the summer of 1984, I had just completed my first year of law school, and my life was at a bit of a crossroads. I loved studying the law, but I had no desire to be a practicing attorney. I was attending John Marshall Law School in Chicago (now the University of Illinois-Chicago Law School), and I didn’t want to return. Although I loved law school, I knew myself well enough to know that I did not have the disciple to live in Chicago—with all the distractions the city had to offer—and also successfully complete my legal education.

It was a Saturday in late June, and I needed a break from trying to figure out my life. I knew that seeing my parents could provide that distraction.

When I got there, my mom was not home. I should have known. Like every Saturday, she was at the grocery store. My dad was home, and as luck would have it, the Cubs were playing the Cardinals on NBC’s Game of the Week.

In those days, my dad and I had an uneasy relationship. I don’t think he knew what to make of me. Although he was  proud of me for attending law school, I think he saw me still in school at the age of 24 as a way to avoid working for a living. Dad hadn’t graduated from high school. In fact, he had only made it through the eighth grade, and he didn’t understand higher education.

Despite our differences, over the years, we had bonded over baseball. Even at times when we were barely speaking, we would often watch a Cubs game together on WGN-TV. It was our one common point of interest.

What we didn’t know on that June Saturday was that we were about to watch the greatest baseball game either of us had ever seen. The game—which came to be known as The Sandberg Game—featured the Cardinals taking an early lead, the Cubs scoring a comeback victory in extra innings, and Ryne Sandberg having one of the greatest individual performances in baseball history.

Let me set the scene for you. The Cubs were down 9-8 in the bottom of the 9th inning. There were two outs and Sandberg came up to bat. He was facing Bruce Sutter, one of the toughest relivers in the game, and a future Hall-of-Famer. Sandberg saw a pitch up in the zone and he knocked it deep into the left field bleachers  to tie the score.

My dad and I had seen enough Cubs games over the years to not get our hopes up. After all, we had watched them finish each of the previous 11 seasons with a losing record. Although they had come back from a 9-3 deficit, we still didn’t hold out much hope that they would tie, let alone win, the game.

But the 1984 Cubs were a different team. We didn’t know it yet, but they would go on to have a terrific season, winning 96 games, and they would go on to fall just one game short of reaching the World Series, breaking our hearts in the process. Sandberg’s home run caught us by surprise, and we were both suddenly much more interested in the game.

In the tenth inning, the Cardinals scored two runs to take an 11-9 lead, and we were once again certain the Cubs were going to lose. In the bottom half of the inning, Sandberg came to bat again, this time with a runner on first and two outs. Sutter was still on the mound (it was a different time). My dad said, “Can you imagine if Sandberg hits another home run?” One pitch later, he did exactly that, tying the game once again.

My dad did not show much emotion, but when Sandberg hit the ball, Dad let out an “Oh!” I was as surprised by Dad’s relative outburst as I was with Sandberg’s home run. I threw my hands in the air and watched the ball land in almost the exact same spot Sandberg’s 9th inning home run had landed. I looked back at Dad, and he was smiling broadly. There was an excitement in his eyes, and he laughed, a sound I had heard precious little in the previous few years.

The Cubs went on to win the game 12-11 in 11 innings. My life was no closer to being figured out, but at least for that one day–at least for a few hours–I wasn’t worried about it.

Today is the 40th anniversary of The Sandberg Game. It’s hard to believe it was that long ago. Dad is gone now, and I’ve reached middle age, assuming I live to be 128 years old. Life moves on.

Tonight at Wrigley Field in Chicago, the Cubs will unveil a statue of Ryne Sandberg, commemorating his Hall of Fame career. It seems only right that Ryno’s statue be unveiled on the anniversary of The Sandberg Game. Ryne is my all-time favorite Cub, and it was on June 23, 1984 that reverence was cemented.

Here are Sandberg’s two game-tying home runs with Bob Costas and Tony Kubek on the call:

Here is Bob Costas talking about The Sandberg Game on the Rich Eisen show back in 2021.


Saying Goodbye to the GOAT

My first baseball glove resembled a pillow more than a modern day baseball glove. It was a hand-me-down my aunt gave me. When I first saw it, my face fell. I couldn’t hide my disappointment. My dad—my aunt’s brother—thanked her for the gift. He seemed genuinely appreciative, which meant to me that I was stuck with this twenty- or thirty-year-old relic of days gone by.

On the way home from my aunt’s, we made a detour. Dad pulled up in front of Hayden’s Sporting Goods and we went inside. For a kid who loved sports, being in Hayden’s felt like I had died and gone to heaven. There were so many things to look at, so many things to touch. We made our way to the baseball aisle. The display of baseball gloves was like a work of art. And the smell of fresh leather was intoxicating.

My friend Kevin’s dad worked at Hayden’s and he showed us some of the gloves they had for sale. The first few were too big or too expensive. Then he showed us a baseball glove that, at that young age, became the love of my life. It was a light tan, Wilson Sporting Goods Willie Mays model glove. As my dad talked to Kevin’s, I held the glove to my face and took in the aroma. It smelled like baseball.

Kevin’s dad showed us how to break in the glove by placing a softball, not a baseball, in it and tie it up with rubber bands. He showed us how to oil it to keep the leather soft and supple.

On the way home, I held the glove in my arms like it was a newborn. We followed the directions we had been given to break it in, and then I waited. I wanted to take it outside, to show my friends, but Dad said I couldn’t take it out until the breaking-in process was complete. I don’t remember how long it took, but to me, it seemed like an eternity.

I remember getting up from watching TV to check on the glove. I don’t know what I thought might happen to it. I just wanted to see it. I checked on the glove before I went to bed, but I couldn’t stand the thought of being away from it, so I slept with it next to me in the bed. It was the most important possession I had in my life. It stayed that way for years.

Naturally, I had heard of Willie Mays, but since I now owned a Willie Mays model glove, I put in the effort to learn who Willie Mays really was. I saw him play against the Cubs occasionally on WGN and I saw his highlights on This Week in Baseball with Mel Allen. I read about him in Sports Illustrated and Sport Magazine. 

I once read a story about when Willie was first called up to the majors. He had originally played in the Negro Leagues with the Birmingham Black Barons, but had been signed by the New York Giants and assigned to their minor league team in Minneapolis. Willie was hitting great in Minneapolis, so Leo Durocher, the manger of the Giants, called him up to the big league team.

Willie didn’t think he was ready for the big leagues, and he said that to his manager. Durocher disagreed, and Willie proceeded to get just 1 hit in his first 26 at-bats, for a batting average of .038.

“I told you,,” Willie said to Durocher. “I can’t hit the curveball.”

“I don’t care,” Durocher said. “As long as I’m the manager of the Giants, you’re my centerfielder.”

That’s all Willie needed to hear. He didn’t have to worry about being sent back to the minors, and within three weeks his batting average had risen to .322. Turns out he could hit the curveball.

Willie had a presence about him, a grace that I admired. Even at the end of his career, when his body was betraying him and he was performing more out of habit than ability, other players seemed to have a reverence for him. They held him on a pedestal even when his performance no longer deserved it.

For years, I have heard the debates over who was the best baseball player to ever live. There are arguments for Babe Ruth, Henry Aaron, Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams, even Barry Bonds, but none of those arguments have ever convinced me that anyone was better than Willie Mays. He was a great hitter who hit for average and power, a great fielder with a great arm, and he was a great base runner. Others may have been better at one of those things, but no one was as good as him at all of them.

The great Willie Mays died yesterday at the age of 93. He ended his career 50 years ago, which means that he stopped playing when I was just 14 years old. In one sense, it’s sad that in 50 years, I have not seen a better baseball player than Willie Mays. On the other hand, neither has anyone else.

RIP, Willie. Thanks for being such a wonderful part of my childhood.


The 50 Best Novels I’ve Ever Read

For the past several years, I’ve listed the ten best books I read during the previous year. In that review, I included both fiction (novels, novellas, and short story collections) and nonfiction. Recently, I’ve been thinking about some of the novels I’ve read, and began wondering which were my favorites. As it turned out, during the past nine or ten years, I have rated exactly 50 novels as 5-star on Goodreads.

As I viewed the list of these 50 novels, I was surprised at the diversity of the books I rated 5-star. They range from serious works of literary fiction to a few mysteries, crime novels, and legal thrillers.

I wanted to somehow rank these 50 novels, but knew that would take more time than I wanted to devote to this project. So, I’ve ranked the top ten. The remaining 40 novels will be listed alphabetically by the author’s last name. I’ve also included the Goodreads book description for each novel as well as the rating Goodreads readers have given to each book. Note how out-of-step I am with some of these books compared to other readers.

Top Ten

1) The Flamethrowers  by Rachel Kushner

Goodreads Description: The year is 1975 and Reno—so-called because of the place of her birth—has come to New York intent on turning her fascination with motorcycles and speed into art. Her arrival coincides with an explosion of activity in the art world—artists have colonized a deserted and industrial SoHo, are staging actions in the East Village, and are blurring the line between life and art. Reno meets a group of dreamers and raconteurs who submit her to a sentimental education of sorts. Ardent, vulnerable, and bold, she begins an affair with an artist named Sandro Valera, the semi-estranged scion of an Italian tire and motorcycle empire. When they visit Sandro’s family home in Italy, Reno falls in with members of the radical movement that overtook Italy in the seventies. Betrayal sends her reeling into a clandestine undertow.

The Flamethrowers is an intensely engaging exploration of the mystique of the feminine, the fake, the terrorist. At its center is Kushner’s brilliantly realized protagonist, a young woman on the verge. Thrilling and fearless, this is a major American novel from a writer of spectacular talent and imagination.

Goodreads Review: 3.50

My Thoughts: Honestly, any of these top ten books could have ended up at #1. They are all great. The Flamethrowers holds a special place for me because it is the book that made me love literary fiction. It’s well-written, has a great plot, and it held my rapt attention from the first word to the last. Strangely, other Goodreads readers don’t agree.

2) 11/22/63 by Stephen King

Goodreads Description: On November 22, 1963, three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy died, and the world changed. Unless…

In 2011, Jake Epping, an English teacher from Lisbon Falls, Maine, sets out on an insane — and insanely possible — mission to prevent the Kennedy assassination.

Leaving behind a world of computers and mobile phones, he goes back to a time of big American cars and diners, of Lindy Hopping, the sound of Elvis, and the taste of root beer.

In this haunting world, Jake falls in love with Sadie, a beautiful high school librarian. And, as the ominous date of 11/22/63 approaches, he encounters a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald…

Goodreads Rating: 4.34

My Thoughts: I don’t like many of Stephen Kings books, but the ones I do like, I like. a lot. 11/22/63 is a good example. I love this book. The characters are well-rounded and realistic, the storyline is fantastic (I do love novels involving time travel), and the writing is terrific, To my mind, 11/22/63 is Stephen King’s best book.

3) Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders

Goodreads Description: In his long-awaited first novel, American master George Saunders delivers his most original, transcendent, and moving work yet. Unfolding in a graveyard over the course of a single night, narrated by a dazzling chorus of voices, Lincoln in the Bardo is a literary experience unlike any other—for no one but Saunders could conceive it.

February 1862. The Civil War is less than one year old. The fighting has begun in earnest, and the nation has begun to realize it is in for a long, bloody struggle. Meanwhile, President Lincoln’s beloved eleven-year-old son, Willie, lies upstairs in the White House, gravely ill. In a matter of days, despite predictions of a recovery, Willie dies and is laid to rest in a Georgetown cemetery. “My poor boy, he was too good for this earth,” the president says at the time. “God has called him home.” Newspapers report that a grief-stricken Lincoln returned to the crypt several times alone to hold his boy’s body.

From that seed of historical truth, George Saunders spins an unforgettable story of familial love and loss that breaks free of its realistic, historical framework into a thrilling, supernatural realm both hilarious and terrifying. Willie Lincoln finds himself in a strange purgatory, where ghosts mingle, gripe, commiserate, quarrel, and enact bizarre acts of penance. Within this transitional state—called, in the Tibetan tradition, the bardo—a monumental struggle erupts over young Willie’s soul.

Lincoln in the Bardo is an astonishing feat of imagination and a bold step forward from one of the most important and influential writers of his generation. Formally daring, generous in spirit, deeply concerned with matters of the heart, it is a testament to fiction’s ability to speak honestly and powerfully to the things that really matter to us. Saunders has invented a thrilling new form that deploys a kaleidoscopic, theatrical panorama of voices—living and dead, historical and invented—to ask a timeless, profound question: How do we live and love when we know that everything we love must end?

Goodreads Rating: 3.75

My Thoughts: Lincoln in the Bardo was a revelation to me. It was different from anything I had ever read before. In fact, in my review of the book a few years ago, I said that with his book, George Saunders had created a new genre. I’ve never read anything Saunders has written that I didn’t like. He is America’s preeminent short story writer. Lincoln in the Bardo is his only novel. He says he’s not going to write another one. If that’s the case, thank God he wrote this one.

4) Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison

Goodreads Description: Greenville County, South Carolina, is a wild, lush place that is home to the Boatwright family—a tight-knit clan of rough-hewn, hard-drinking men who shoot up each other’s trucks, and indomitable women who get married young and age too quickly. At the heart of this story is Ruth Anne Boatwright, known simply as Bone, a bastard child who observes the world around her with a mercilessly keen perspective. When her stepfather Daddy Glen, “cold as death, mean as a snake,” becomes increasingly more vicious toward her, Bone finds herself caught in a family triangle that tests the loyalty of her mother, Anney—and leads to a final, harrowing encounter from which there can be no turning back.

Goodreads Rating: 4.13

My Thoughts: What a great book. As gritty as just about anything I’ve come across. It’s the best southern gothic novel I’ve ever read. Great writing. Great gritty plot. Bastard Out of Carolina is one of my all-time favorite reads.

5) The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

Goodreads Description: The quintessential novel of the Lost Generation, The Sun Also Rises (Fiesta) is one of Ernest Hemingway’s masterpieces and a classic example of his spare but powerful writing style. A poignant look at the disillusionment and angst of the post-World War I generation, the novel introduces two of Hemingway’s most unforgettable characters: Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley. The story follows the flamboyant Brett and the hapless Jake as they journey from the wild nightlife of 1920s Paris to the brutal bullfighting rings of Spain with a motley group of expatriates. It is an age of moral bankruptcy, spiritual dissolution, unrealized love, and vanishing illusions. First published in 1926, The Sun Also Rises helped to establish Hemingway as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century.

Goodreads Rating: 3.79

My Thoughts: I first read The Sun Also Rises when I was in high school. I didn’t like it. Years later, in the early days of my career, I was at a party and was talking about the book to the wife of a work colleague who happened to be an English teacher. She loved the book. I told her it was one of the worst things I had ever read. The writing and the characters were stilted, and the dialogue was at times nonsensical. The woman I was talking to thought I was an idiot. Rightly so. I went back to read the book again a few years later and fell in love with it. I think it’s Hemingway’s best (He has two other books in the top 50), and it’s one of my all-time favorites.)

6) The Wettest County in the World by Matt Bondurant

Goodreads Description: Based on the true story of Matt Bondurant’s grandfather and two granduncles, “The Wettest County in the World” is a gripping tale of brotherhood, greed, and murder. The Bondurant Boys were a notorious gang of roughnecks and moonshiners who ran liquor through Franklin County, Virginia, during Prohibition and in the years after. Forrest, the eldest brother, is fierce, mythically indestructible, and the consummate businessman; Howard, the middle brother, is an ox of a man besieged by the horrors he witnessed in the Great War; and Jack, the youngest, has a taste for luxury and a dream to get out of Franklin. Driven and haunted, these men forge a business, fall in love, and struggle to stay afloat as they watch their family die, their father’s business fail, and the world they know crumble beneath the Depression and drought. White mule, white lightning, firewater, popskull, wild cat, stump whiskey, or rotgut — whatever you called it, Franklin County was awash in moonshine in the 1920s. When Sherwood Anderson, the journalist and author of “Winesburg, Ohio”, was covering a story there, he christened it the “wettest county in the world”. In the twilight of his career, Anderson finds himself driving along dusty red roads trying to find the Bondurant brothers, piece together the clues linking them to “The Great Franklin County Moonshine Conspiracy,” and break open the silence that shrouds Franklin County.

In vivid, muscular prose, Matt Bondurant brings these men — their dark deeds, their long silences, their deep desires — to life. His understanding of the passion, violence, and desperation at the center of this world is both heartbreaking and magnificent.

Goodreads Rating: 3.77

My Thoughts: For years, I had heard about what a great writer Matt Bondurant was, but I had never read anything he’d written. I picked up The Wettest County in the World and quickly realized what all the hype was about. The book was made into a movie called Lawless which was also very good.

7) Manhattan Beach  by Jennifer Egan

Goodreads Description: Anna Kerrigan, nearly twelve years old, accompanies her father to visit Dexter Styles, a man who, she gleans, is crucial to the survival of her father and her family. She is mesmerized by the sea beyond the house and by some charged mystery between the two men.

‎Years later, her father has disappeared and the country is at war. Anna works at the Brooklyn Naval Yard, where women are allowed to hold jobs that once belonged to men, now soldiers abroad. She becomes the first female diver, the most dangerous and exclusive of occupations, repairing the ships that will help America win the war. One evening at a nightclub, she meets Dexter Styles again, and begins to understand the complexity of her father’s life, the reasons he might have vanished.

With the atmosphere of a noir thriller, Egan’s first historical novel follows Anna and Styles into a world populated by gangsters, sailors, divers, bankers, and union men. Manhattan Beach is a deft, dazzling, propulsive exploration of a transformative moment in the lives and identities of women and men, of America and the world.

Goodreads Rating: 3.62

My Thoughts: Jennifer Egan–along with George Saunders–is my favorite writer. When I put this list together, I was surprised that she only had one book on the list. I expected she’d have two or three. Even so, Manhattan Beach is one of my favorite books. It’s a great story and incredibly well-written, which is exactly what I would expect from Egan.

8) The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah

Goodreads Description: Alaska, 1974.
Unpredictable. Unforgiving. Untamed.
For a family in crisis, the ultimate test of survival.

Ernt Allbright, a former POW, comes home from the Vietnam war a changed and volatile man. When he loses yet another job, he makes an impulsive decision: he will move his family north, to Alaska, where they will live off the grid in America’s last true frontier.

Thirteen-year-old Leni, a girl coming of age in a tumultuous time, caught in the riptide of her parents’ passionate, stormy relationship, dares to hope that a new land will lead to a better future for her family. She is desperate for a place to belong. Her mother, Cora, will do anything and go anywhere for the man she loves, even if it means following him into the unknown.

At first, Alaska seems to be the answer to their prayers. In a wild, remote corner of the state, they find a fiercely independent community of strong men and even stronger women. The long, sunlit days and the generosity of the locals make up for the Allbrights’ lack of preparation and dwindling resources.

But as winter approaches and darkness descends on Alaska, Ernt’s fragile mental state deteriorates and the family begins to fracture. Soon the perils outside pale in comparison to threats from within. In their small cabin, covered in snow, blanketed in eighteen hours of night, Leni and her mother learn the terrible truth: they are on their own. In the wild, there is no one to save them but themselves.

In this unforgettable portrait of human frailty and resilience, Kristin Hannah reveals the indomitable character of the modern American pioneer and the spirit of a vanishing Alaska―a place of incomparable beauty and danger. The Great Alone is a daring, beautiful, stay-up-all-night story about love and loss, the fight for survival, and the wildness that lives in both man and nature.

Goodreads Ratings: 4.42

My Thoughts: When I was reading this book, I remember thinking, “Why have I never read Kristen Hannah before?” I loved this book. I read a couple of her other novels but I didn’t get nearly as engrossed in those books as I did in The Great Alone. Even so, The Great Alone is a good one.

9) The River by Peter Heller

Goodreads Description: The story of two college friends on a wilderness canoe trip—of a friendship tested by fire, white water, and violence

Wynn and Jack have been best friends since freshman orientation, bonded by their shared love of mountains, books, and fishing. Wynn is a gentle giant, a Vermont kid never happier than when his feet are in the water. Jack is more rugged, raised on a ranch in Colorado where sleeping under the stars and cooking on a fire came as naturally to him as breathing.

When they decide to canoe the Maskwa River in northern Canada, they anticipate long days of leisurely paddling and picking blueberries, and nights of stargazing and reading paperback Westerns. But a wildfire making its way across the forest adds unexpected urgency to the journey.

When they hear a man and woman arguing on the fog-shrouded riverbank and decide to warn them about the fire, their search for the pair turns up nothing and no one. But: The next day a man appears on the river, paddling alone. Is this the man they heard? And, if he is, where is the woman?

Goodreads Rating: 3.85

My Thoughts: A really well-rendered story that takes place on a beautiful Canadian river. The book is well-written, and the location descriptions remind me of Kristin Hannah’s descriptions in The Great Alone. The River is a really good read.

10) The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

Goodreads Description: Things have never been easy for Oscar, a sweet but disastrously overweight, lovesick Dominican ghetto nerd. From his home in New Jersey, where he lives with his old-world mother and rebellious sister, Oscar dreams of becoming the Dominican J. R. R. Tolkien and, most of all, of finding love. But he may never get what he wants, thanks to the Fukœ—the curse that has haunted the Oscar’s family for generations, dooming them to prison, torture, tragic accidents, and, above all, ill-starred love. Oscar, still waiting for his first kiss, is just its most recent victim.

Diaz immerses us in the tumultuous life of Oscar and the history of the family at large, rendering with genuine warmth and dazzling energy, humor, and insight the Dominican-American experience, and, ultimately, the endless human capacity to persevere in the face of heartbreak and loss. A true literary triumph, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao confirms Junot Diaz as one of the best and most exciting voices of our time.

Goodreads Rating: 3.89

My Thoughts: I had the opportunity to meet author Junot Diaz in 2015. I loved The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao, and I was excited to meet the man who wrote it. I was disappointed. Diaz is a brilliant writer, but he’s also kind of a jerk. I didn’t think very highly of him. A few years later, people found out how big of a jerk he really was when he was accused by several women of sexual harassment.

The Rest

Peace by Richard Bausch

Goodreads Description: From the prize-winning novelist and world-renowned short story writer, recipient of the PEN/Malamud Award and the Academy Award from the Academy of Arts and Letters, a powerful novel about war, trust, and salvation that begs to be read in a single sitting.

Italy, near Cassino. The terrible winter of 1944. A dismal icy rain, continuing unabated for days. Guided by a seventy-year-old Italian man in rope-soled shoes, three American soldiers are sent on a reconnaissance mission up the side of a steep hill that they discover, before very long, to be a mountain. And the old man’s indeterminate loyalties only add to the terror and confusion that engulf them on that mountain, where they are confronted with the horror of their own time—and then set upon by a sniper.

Taut and propulsive—with its spare language, its punishing landscape, and the keenly drawn portraits of the three young soldiers at its center— Peace is a feat of economy, compression, and imagination, a brutal and unmistakably contemporary meditation on the corrosiveness of violence, the human cost of war, and the redemptive power of mercy.

Goodreads Rating: 2.83

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

Goodreads Description: A grumpy yet loveable man finds his solitary world turned on its head when a boisterous young family moves in next door.

Meet Ove. He’s a curmudgeon, the kind of man who points at people he dislikes as if they were burglars caught outside his bedroom window. He has staunch principles, strict routines, and a short fuse. People call him the bitter neighbor from hell, but must Ove be bitter just because he doesn’t walk around with a smile plastered to his face all the time?

Behind the cranky exterior there is a story and a sadness. So when one November morning a chatty young couple with two chatty young daughters move in next door and accidentally flatten Ove’s mailbox, it is the lead-in to a comical and heartwarming tale of unkempt cats, unexpected friendship, and the ancient art of backing up a U-Haul. All of which will change one cranky old man and a local residents’ association to their very foundations.

Goodreads Rating: 4.38

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

Goodreads Description: A poignant, charming novel about a crime that never took place, a would-be bank robber who disappears into thin air, and eight extremely anxious strangers who find they have more in common than they ever imagined

Looking at real estate isn’t usually a life-or-death situation, but an apartment open house becomes just that when a failed bank robber bursts in and takes a group of strangers hostage. The captives include a recently retired couple who relentlessly hunt down fixer-uppers to avoid the painful truth that they can’t fix up their own marriage. There’s a wealthy banker who has been too busy making money to care about anyone else and a young couple who are about to have their first child but can’t seem to agree on anything, from where they want to live to how they met in the first place. Add to the mix an eighty-seven-year-old woman who has lived long enough not to be afraid of someone waving a gun in her face, a flustered but still-ready-to-make-a-deal real estate agent, and a mystery man who has locked himself in the apartment’s only bathroom, and you’ve got the worst group of hostages in the world.

Each of them carries a lifetime of grievances, hurts, secrets, and passions that are ready to boil over. None of them is entirely who they appear to be. And all of them—the bank robber included—desperately crave some sort of rescue. As the authorities and the media surround the premises, these reluctant allies will reveal surprising truths about themselves and set in a motion a chain of events so unexpected that even they can hardly explain what happens next.

Humorous, compassionate, and wise, Anxious People is an ingeniously constructed story about the enduring power of friendship, forgiveness, and hope—the things that save us, even in the most anxious of times.

Goodreads Rating: 4.18

Beartown by Fredrik Backman

Goodreads Description: A dazzling, profound novel about a small town with a big dream—and the price required to make it come true.

People say Beartown is finished. A tiny community nestled deep in the forest, it is slowly losing ground to the ever encroaching trees. But down by the lake stands an old ice rink, built generations ago by the working men who founded this town. And in that ice rink is the reason people in Beartown believe tomorrow will be better than today. Their junior ice hockey team is about to compete in the national semi-finals, and they actually have a shot at winning. All the hopes and dreams of this place now rest on the shoulders of a handful of teenage boys.

Being responsible for the hopes of an entire town is a heavy burden, and the semi-final match is the catalyst for a violent act that will leave a young girl traumatized and a town in turmoil. Accusations are made and, like ripples on a pond, they travel through all of Beartown, leaving no resident unaffected.

Beartown explores the hopes that bring a small community together, the secrets that tear it apart, and the courage it takes for an individual to go against the grain. In this story of a small forest town, Fredrik Backman has found the entire world.

Goodreads Rating: 4.29

November Road by Lou Berney

Goodreads Description: Set against the assassination of JFK, a poignant and evocative crime novel that centers on a desperate cat-and-mouse chase across 1960s America—a story of unexpected connections, daring possibilities, and the hope of second chances from the Edgar Award-winning author of The Long and Faraway Gone.

Frank Guidry’s luck has finally run out.

A loyal street lieutenant to New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcello, Guidry has learned that everybody is expendable. But now it’s his turn—he knows too much about the crime of the century: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Within hours of JFK’s murder, everyone with ties to Marcello is turning up dead, and Guidry suspects he’s next: he was in Dallas on an errand for the boss less than two weeks before the president was shot. With few good options, Guidry hits the road to Las Vegas, to see an old associate—a dangerous man who hates Marcello enough to help Guidry vanish.

Guidry knows that the first rule of running is “don’t stop,” but when he sees a beautiful housewife on the side of the road with a broken-down car, two little daughters and a dog in the back seat, he sees the perfect disguise to cover his tracks from the hit men on his tail. Posing as an insurance man, Guidry offers to help Charlotte reach her destination, California. If she accompanies him to Vegas, he can help her get a new car.

For her, it’s more than a car— it’s an escape. She’s on the run too, from a stifling existence in small-town Oklahoma and a kindly husband who’s a hopeless drunk.

It’s an American story: two strangers meet to share the open road west, a dream, a hope—and find each other on the way.

Charlotte sees that he’s strong and kind; Guidry discovers that she’s smart and funny. He learns that’s she determined to give herself and her kids a new life; she can’t know that he’s desperate to leave his old one behind.

Another rule—fugitives shouldn’t fall in love, especially with each other. A road isn’t just a road, it’s a trail, and Guidry’s ruthless and relentless hunters are closing in on him. But now Guidry doesn’t want to just survive, he wants to really live, maybe for the first time.

Everyone’s expendable, or they should be, but now Guidry just can’t throw away the woman he’s come to love.

And it might get them both killed.

Goodreads Rating: 3.87

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Goodreads Description: Combining magic, mysticism, wisdom, and wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery, The Alchemist has become a modern classic, selling millions of copies around the world and transforming the lives of countless readers across generations.

Paulo Coelho’s masterpiece tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure. His quest will lead him to riches far different—and far more satisfying—than he ever imagined. Santiago’s journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, recognizing opportunity and learning to read the omens strewn along life’s path, and, most importantly, following our dreams.

Goodreads Rating: 3.91

Deadwood by Pete Dexter

Goodreads Description: DEADWOOD, DAKOTA TERRITORIES, 1876: Legendary gunman Wild Bill Hickcock and his friend Charlie Utter have come to the Black Hills town of Deadwood fresh from Cheyenne, fleeing an ungrateful populace. Bill, aging and sick but still able to best any man in a fair gunfight, just wants to be left alone to drink and play cards. But in this town of played-out miners, bounty hunters, upstairs girls, Chinese immigrants, and various other entrepeneurs and miscreants, he finds himself pursued by a vicious sheriff, a perverse whore man bent on revenge, and a besotted Calamity Jane. Fueled by liquor, sex, and violence, this is the real wild west, unlike anything portrayed in the dime novels that first told its story.

Goodreads Rating: 4.02

Hotel at the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

Goodreads Description: In 1986, Henry Lee joins a crowd outside the Panama Hotel, once the gateway to Seattle’s Japantown. It has been boarded up for decades, but now the new owner has discovered the belongings of Japanese families who were sent to internment camps during World War II. As the owner displays and unfurls a Japanese parasol, Henry, a Chinese American, remembers a young Japanese American girl from his childhood in the 1940s—Keiko Okabe, with whom he forged a bond of friendship and innocent love that transcended the prejudices of their Old World ancestors. After Keiko and her family were evacuated to the internment camps, she and Henry could only hope that their promise to each other would be kept. Now, forty years later, Henry explores the hotel’s basement for the Okabe family’s belongings and for a long-lost object whose value he cannot even begin to measure. His search will take him on a journey to revisit the sacrifices he has made for family, for love, for country.

Goodreads Rating: 4.04

Replay by Ken Grimwood

Goodreads Description: Jeff Winston was 43 and trapped in a tepid marriage and a dead-end job, waiting for that time when he could be truly happy, when he died.

And when he woke and he was 18 again, with all his memories of the next 25 years intact. He could live his life again, avoiding the mistakes, making money from his knowledge of the future, seeking happiness.

Until he dies at 43 and wakes up back in college again…

Goodreads Rating: 4.15

The Partner by John Grisham

Goodreads Description: A man will do almost anything for ninety million dollars. So will its rightful owners. They found him in a small town in Brazil. He had a new name, Danilo Silva, and his appearance had been changed by plastic surgery. The search had taken four years. They’d chased him around the world, always just missing him. It had cost their clients $3.5 million. But so far none of them had complained.

The man they were about to kidnap had not always been called Danilo Silva. Before he had had another life, a life which ended in a car crash in February 1992. His gravestone lay in a cemetery in Biloxi, Mississippi. His name before his death was Patrick S. Lanigan. He had been a partner at an up-and-coming law firm. He had a pretty wife, a young daughter, and a bright future. Six weeks after his death, $90 million disappeared from the law firm.

It was then that his partners knew he was still alive. And the chase was on.

Goodreads Rating: 3.97

For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway

Goodreads Description: In 1937 Ernest Hemingway traveled to Spain to cover the civil war there for the North American Newspaper Alliance. Three years later he completed the greatest novel to emerge from “the good fight,” For Whom the Bell Tolls. The story of Robert Jordan, a young American in the International Brigades attached to an antifascist guerilla unit in the mountains of Spain, it tells of loyalty and courage, love and defeat, and the tragic death of an ideal. In his portrayal of Jordan’s love for the beautiful Maria and his superb account of El Sordo’s last stand, in his brilliant travesty of La Pasionaria and his unwillingness to believe in blind faith, Hemingway surpasses his achievement in The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms to create a work at once rare and beautiful, strong and brutal, compassionate, moving and wise. “If the function of a writer is to reveal reality,” Maxwell Perkins wrote to Hemingway after reading the manuscript, “no one ever so completely performed it.” Greater in power, broader in scope, and more intensely emotional than any of the author’s previous works, it stands as one of the best war novels of all time.

Goodreads Rating: 3.98

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Goodreads Description: This short novel, already a modern classic, is the superbly told, tragic story of a Cuban fisherman in the Gulf Stream and the giant Marlin he kills and loses — specifically referred to in the citation accompanying the author’s Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.

Goodreads Rating: 3.80

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Goodreads Description: Aldous Huxley’s profoundly important classic of world literature, Brave New World is a searching vision of an unequal, technologically-advanced future where humans are genetically bred, socially indoctrinated, and pharmaceutically anesthetized to passively uphold an authoritarian ruling order–all at the cost of our freedom, full humanity, and perhaps also our souls. “A genius [who] who spent his life decrying the onward march of the Machine” (The New Yorker), Huxley was a man of incomparable talents: equally an artist, a spiritual seeker, and one of history’s keenest observers of human nature and civilization. Brave New World, his masterpiece, has enthralled and terrified millions of readers, and retains its urgent relevance to this day as both a warning to be heeded as we head into tomorrow and as thought-provoking, satisfying work of literature. Written in the shadow of the rise of fascism during the 1930s, Brave New Worldd likewise speaks to a 21st-century world dominated by mass-entertainment, technology, medicine and pharmaceuticals, the arts of persuasion, and the hidden influence of elites.

Goodreads Rating: 3.99

Remember Me Like This by Bret Anthony Johnston

Goodreads Description: A gripping novel with the pace of a thriller but the nuanced characterization and deep empathy of some of the literary canon’s most beloved novels, Remember Me Like This introduces Bret Anthony Johnston as one of the most gifted storytellers writing today. With his sophisticated and emotionally taut plot and his shimmering prose, Johnston reveals that only in caring for one another can we save ourselves.
Four years have passed since Justin Campbell’s disappearance, a tragedy that rocked the small town of Southport, Texas. Did he run away? Was he kidnapped? Did he drown in the bay? As the Campbells search for answers, they struggle to hold what’s left of their family together.
Then, one afternoon, the impossible happens. The police call to report that Justin has been found only miles away, in the neighboring town, and, most important, he appears to be fine. Though the reunion is a miracle, Justin’s homecoming exposes the deep rifts that have diminished his family, the wounds they all carry that may never fully heal. Trying to return to normal, his parents do their best to ease Justin back into his old life. But as thick summer heat takes hold, violent storms churn in the Gulf and in the Campbells’ hearts. When a reversal of fortune lays bare the family’s greatest fears—and offers perhaps the only hope for recovery—each of them must fight to keep the ties that bind them from permanently tearing apart.

Goodreads Rating: 3.63

On the Road by Jack Kerouac

Goodreads Description: A quintessential novel of America & the Beat Generation On the Road chronicles Jack Kerouac’s years traveling the N. American continent with his friend Neal Cassady, “a sideburned hero of the snowy West.” As “Sal Paradise” & “Dean Moriarty,” the two roam the country in a quest for self-knowledge & experience. Kerouac’s love of America, compassion for humanity & sense of language as jazz combine to make On the Road an inspirational work of lasting importance. This classic novel of freedom & longing defined what it meant to be “Beat” & has inspired every generation since its initial publication.

Goodreads Rating: 3.61

Heat 2 by Michael Mann

Goodreads Description: Michael Mann, four-time Oscar-nominated filmmaker and writer-director of Heat, Collateral, Thief, Manhunter, and Miami Vice, teams up with Edgar Award-winning author Meg Gardiner to deliver Mann’s first crime novel—an explosive return to the world and characters of his classic film Heat—an all-new story that illuminates what happened before and after the iconic film.

Described by Michael Mann as both a prequel and sequel to the renowned, critically acclaimed film of the same name, Heat 2 covers the formative years of homicide detective Vincent Hanna (Oscar winner Al Pacino) and elite criminals Neil McCauley (Oscar winner Robert De Niro), Chris Shiherlis (Val Kilmer), and Nate (Oscar winner Jon Voight), and features the same extraordinary ambition, scope, rich characterizations, and attention to detail as the epic film.

This new story leads up to the events of the film and then moves beyond it, featuring new characters on both sides of the law, new high-line heists, and breathtakingly cinematic action sequences. Ranging from the streets of L.A. to the inner sancta of rival Taiwanese crime syndicates in Paraguay to a massive drug cartel money-laundering operation just over the border in Mexico, Heat 2 illuminates the dangerous workings of international crime organizations and the agents who pursue them as it provides a full-blooded portrait of the men and women who inhabit both worlds. Operatic in scope, Heat 2 is engrossing, moving, and tragic—a masterpiece of crime fiction from one of the most innovative and influential filmmakers in American cinema.

Goodreads Rating: 4.26

Bearskin by James A. McLaughlin

Goodreads Description: Rice Moore is just beginning to think his troubles are behind him. He’s found a job protecting a remote forest preserve in Virginian Appalachia where his main responsibilities include tracking wildlife and refurbishing cabins. It’s hard work, and totally solitary—perfect to hide away from the Mexican drug cartels he betrayed back in Arizona. But when Rice finds the carcass of a bear killed on the grounds, the quiet solitude he’s so desperately sought is suddenly at risk.

More bears are killed on the preserve and Rice’s obsession with catching the poachers escalates, leading to hostile altercations with the locals and attention from both the law and Rice’s employers. Partnering with his predecessor, a scientist who hopes to continue her research on the preserve, Rice puts into motion a plan that could expose the poachers but risks revealing his own whereabouts to the dangerous people he was running from in the first place.

James McLaughlin expertly brings the beauty and danger of Appalachia to life. The result is an elemental, slow burn of a novel—one that will haunt you long after you turn the final page.

Goodreads Rating: 3.75

Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry

Goodreads Description: A love story, an adventure, and an epic of the frontier, Larry McMurtry’s Pulitzer Prize-winning classic, Lonesome Dove, the third book in the Lonesome Dove tetralogy, is the grandest novel ever written about the last defiant wilderness of America.

Journey to the dusty little Texas town of Lonesome Dove and meet an unforgettable assortment of heroes and outlaws, whores and ladies, Indians and settlers. Richly authentic, beautifully written, always dramatic, Lonesome Dove is a book to make us laugh, weep, dream, and remember.

Goodreads Rating: 4.54

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

Goodreads Description: A postmodern visionary who is also a master of styles of genres, David Mitchell combines flat-out adventure, a Nabokovian lore of puzzles, a keen eye for character, and a taste for mind-bending philosophical and scientific speculation in the tradition of Umberto Eco, Haruki Murakami, and Philip K. Dick. The result is brilliantly original fiction as profound as it is playful. Now in his new novel, David Mitchell explores with daring artistry fundamental questions of reality and identity.

Cloud Atlas begins in 1850 with Adam Ewing, an American notary voyaging from the Chatham Isles to his home in California. Along the way, Ewing is befriended by a physician, Dr. Goose, who begins to treat him for a rare species of brain parasite. . . .

Abruptly, the action jumps to Belgium in 1931, where Robert Frobisher, a disinherited bisexual composer, contrives his way into the household of an infirm maestro who has a beguiling wife and a nubile daughter. . . . From there we jump to the West Coast in the 1970s and a troubled reporter named Luisa Rey, who stumbles upon a web of corporate greed and murder that threatens to claim her life. . . . And onward, with dazzling virtuosity, to an inglorious present-day England; to a Korean superstate of the near future where neocapitalism has run amok; and, finally, to a postapocalyptic Iron Age Hawaii in the last days of history.

But the story doesn’t end even there. The narrative then boomerangs back through centuries and space, returning by the same route, in reverse, to its starting point. Along the way, Mitchell reveals how his disparate characters connect, how their fates intertwine, and how their souls drift across time like clouds across the sky.

As wild as a videogame, as mysterious as a Zen koan, Cloud Atlas is an unforgettable tour de force that, like its incomparable author, has transcended its cult classic status to become a worldwide phenomenon.

Goodreads Rating: 4.01

Falling by TJ Newman

Goodreads Description: You just boarded a flight to New York.

There are one hundred and forty-three other passengers onboard.

What you don’t know is that thirty minutes before the flight your pilot’s family was kidnapped.

For his family to live, everyone on your plane must die.

The only way the family will survive is if the pilot follows his orders and crashes the plane.

Enjoy the flight.

Goodreads Rating: 3.87

A Day in the Death of Walter Zawislak by Molly O’Keefe

Goodreads Description: If, at the end of your life, you got to pick one day to relive, what day would you pick?

Walter Zawislak wants none of it. Not a day to relive, not a trip down memory lane through a life he wasted. His wife, Rosie, died twenty years ago, and without her he hasn’t done much living. So if it’s lights out for him, then just turn them off already and let him get some peace and quiet.

But Peter, the mysterious young man in charge of Walter’s afterlife, isn’t listening to Walter. In Peter’s eyes there is beauty in every day, even the bad ones. Even the really bad ones. Of which Water has had more than a few. But there are also days of bravery and heroism. Selflessness and grace.

And Rosie…there are lots of days of Rosie.

Before it’s too late for both of them, Peter has to remind Walter that there’s more to life than dying.

Goodreads Rating: 4.06

Lake Life by David James Poissant

Goodreads Description: From the award-winning author of the acclaimed story collection The Heaven of Animals, called “a wise debut…beautiful [stories] with a rogue touch” (The New York Times Book Review), comes a sweeping, domestic novel about a family that reunites at their North Carolina lake house for one last vacation before the home is sold—and the long-buried secrets that are finally revealed.

The Starling family is scattered across the country. Parents Richard and Lisa live in Ithaca, New York, and work at Cornell University. Their son Michael, a salesperson, lives in Dallas with his elementary school teacher wife, Diane. Michael’s brother, Thad, an aspiring poet, makes his home in New York City with his famous painter boyfriend, Jake. For years they’ve traveled to North Carolina to share a summer vacation at the family lake house.

That tradition is coming to an end, as Richard and Lisa have decided to sell the treasured summer home and retire to Florida. Before they do, the family will spend one last weekend at the lake. But what should to be a joyous farewell takes a nightmarish turn when the family witnesses a tragedy that triggers a series of dramatic revelations among the Starlings—alcoholism, infidelity, pregnancy, and a secret the parents have kept from their sons for over thirty years. As the weekend unfolds, relationships fray, bonds are tested, and the Starlings are forced to reckon with who they are and what they want from this life.

Set in today’s America, Lake Life is a beautifully rendered, emotionally compelling novel in the tradition of Jonathan Franzen’s The Corrections, Elizabeth Strout’s Olive Kitteridge, and Ann Patchett’s Commonwealth.

Goodreads Rating: 3.71

The Heavenly Table by Donald Ray Pollack

Goodreadss Description: From Donald Ray Pollock, author of the highly acclaimed The Devil All the Time and Knockemstiff, comes a dark, gritty, electrifying (and, disturbingly, weirdly funny) new novel that will solidify his place among the best contemporary American authors.

It is 1917, in that sliver of border land that divides Georgia from Alabama. Dispossessed farmer Pearl Jewett ekes out a hardscrabble existence with his three young sons: Cane (the eldest; handsome; intelligent); Cob (short; heavy set; a bit slow); and Chimney (the youngest; thin; ill-tempered). Several hundred miles away in southern Ohio, a farmer by the name of Ellsworth Fiddler lives with his son, Eddie, and his wife, Eula. After Ellsworth is swindled out of his family’s entire fortune, his life is put on a surprising, unforgettable, and violent trajectory that will directly lead him to cross paths with the Jewetts. No good can come of it. Or can it?

In the gothic tradition of Flannery O’Connor and Cormac McCarthy with a healthy dose of cinematic violence reminiscent of Sam Peckinpah, Quentin Tarantino and the Coen Brothers, the Jewetts and the Fiddlers will find their lives colliding in increasingly dark and horrific ways, placing Donald Ray Pollock firmly in the company of the genre’s literary masters.

Goodreads Rating: 4.09

Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore

Goodreads Description: A magically inspiring tale of a man who is reincarnated through many lifetimes so that he can be with his one true love: Death herself.

What if you could live forever—but without your one true love? Reincarnation Blues is the story of a man who has been reincarnated nearly 10,000 times, in search of the secret to immortality so that he can be with his beloved, the incarnation of Death. Neil Gaiman meets Kurt Vonnegut in this darkly whimsical, hilariously profound, and wildly imaginative comedy of the secrets of life and love. Transporting us from ancient India to outer space to Renaissance Italy to the present day, is a journey through time, space, and the human heart.

Goodreads Rating: 3.88

The Roots of the Olive Tree by Courtney Miller Santo

Goodreads’Description: Set in a house on an olive grove in northern California, The Roots of the Olive Tree is a beautiful, touching story that brings to life five generations of women–including an unforgettable 112 year-old matriarch determined to break all Guinness longevity records–the secrets and lies that divide them and the love that ultimately ties them together.

Goodreads Rating: 3.38

Murder by Other Means by John Scalzi

Goodreads Description: In the world of the Dispatchers, a natural or accidental death is an endpoint; a murder pushes the do-over button and 99.99% of the time the victim comes back to life. Tony Valdez is a Dispatcher who’s been taking shadier and shadier gigs in financial tough times, and after witnessing a crime gone wrong, he finds people around him permanently dying in a way that implicates him. He has to solve the mystery of these deaths to save the lives of others–and keep himself out of trouble with the law.

Goodreads Rating: 4.04

The Dispatcher by John Scalzi

Goodreads Description: One day, not long from now, it becomes almost impossible to murder anyone – 999 times out of a thousand, anyone who is intentionally killed comes back. How? We don’t know. But it changes everything: war, crime, daily life.

Tony Valdez is a Dispatcher – a licensed, bonded professional whose job is to humanely dispatch those whose circumstances put them in death’s crosshairs, so they can have a second chance to avoid the reaper. But when a fellow Dispatcher and former friend is apparently kidnapped, Tony learns that there are some things that are worse than death and that some people are ready to do almost anything to avenge a supposed wrong.
It’s a race against time for Valdez to find his friend before it’s too late…before not even a Dispatcher can save him.

Goodreads Rating: 3.98

Travel by Bullet by John Scalzi

Goodreads Rating: The world has changed. Now, when someone is murdered, they almost always come back to life—and there are professionals, called “dispatchers,” who kill in order to save lives, to give those near the end a second chance. Tony Valdez is a dispatcher, and he has never been busier.

But for as much as the world has changed, some things have stayed the same. Greed, corruption and avarice are still in full swing. When Tony is called to a Chicago emergency room by an old friend and fellow dispatcher, he is suddenly and unwillingly thrown into a whirlpool of schemes and plots involving billions of dollars, with vast caches of wealth ranging from real estate to cryptocurrency up for grabs.

All Tony wants to do is keep his friend safe. But it’s hard to do when friends keep secrets, enemies offer seductive deals, and nothing is ever what it seems. The world has changed… but the stakes are still life and death.

Goodreads Rating: 4.02

The Lovely Bones  by Alice Sebold

Goodreads’Description: “My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973.”

So begins the story of Susie Salmon, who is adjusting to her new home in heaven, a place that is not at all what she expected, even as she is watching life on earth continue without her — her friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her killer trying to cover his tracks, her grief-stricken family unraveling. Out of unspeakable tragedy and loss, The Lovely Bones succeeds, miraculously, in building a tale filled with hope, humor, suspense, even joy.

Goodreads’Rating: 3.85

A Land Remembered by Patrick D. Smith

Goodreads Description: A Land Remembered has been ranked #1 Best Florida Book eight times in annual polls conducted by Florida Monthly Magazine.

In this best-selling novel, Patrick Smith tells the story of three generations of the MacIveys, a Florida family who battle the hardships of the frontier to rise from a dirt-poor Cracker life to the wealth and standing of real estate tycoons. The story opens in 1858, when Tobias MacIvey arrives in the Florida wilderness to start a new life with his wife and infant son, and ends two generations later in 1968 with Solomon MacIvey, who realizes that the land has been exploited far beyond human need. The sweeping story that emerges is a rich, rugged Florida history featuring a memorable cast of crusty, indomitable Crackers battling wild animals, rustlers, Confederate deserters, mosquitoes, starvation, hurricanes, and freezes to carve a kingdom out of the swamp. But their most formidable adversary turns out to be greed, including finally their own. Love and tenderness are here too: the hopes and passions of each new generation, friendships with the persecuted blacks and Indians, and respect for the land and its wildlife.

Goodreads Rating: 4.45

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

Goodreads’ Description: Set amid the austere beauty of the North Carolina coast begins the story of Noah Calhoun, a rural Southerner recently returned from the Second World War. Noah is restoring a plantation home to its former glory, and he is haunted by images of the beautiful girl he met fourteen years earlier, a girl he loved like no other. Unable to find her, yet unwilling to forget the summer they spent together, Noah is content to live with only memories…until she unexpectedly returns to his town to see him once again.

Like a puzzle within a puzzle, the story of Noah and Allie is just the beginning. As it unfolds, their tale miraculously becomes something different, with much higher stakes. The result is a deeply moving portrait of love itself, the tender moments and the fundamental changes that affect us all. It is a story of miracles and emotions that will stay with you forever.

Goodreads Rating: 4.15

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Goodreads Description: Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: a philosopher with a nearly human soul (and an obsession with opposable thumbs), he has educated himself by watching television extensively, and by listening very closely to the words of his master, Denny Swift, an up-and-coming race car driver.

Through Denny, Enzo has gained tremendous insight into the human condition, and he sees that life, like racing, isn’t simply about going fast. On the eve of his death, Enzo takes stock of his life, recalling all that he and his family have been through.

A heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope, The Art of Racing in the Rain is a beautifully crafted and captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life … as only a dog could tell it.

Goodreads Rating: 4.23

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Goodreads Description: Three ordinary women are about to take one extraordinary step.

Twenty-two-year-old Skeeter has just returned home after graduating from Ole Miss. She may have a degree, but it is 1962, Mississippi, and her mother will not be happy till Skeeter has a ring on her finger. Skeeter would normally find solace with her beloved maid Constantine, the woman who raised her, but Constantine has disappeared and no one will tell Skeeter where she has gone.

Aibileen is a black maid, a wise, regal woman raising her seventeenth white child. Something has shifted inside her after the loss of her own son, who died while his bosses looked the other way. She is devoted to the little girl she looks after, though she knows both their hearts may be broken.

Minny, Aibileen’s best friend, is short, fat, and perhaps the sassiest woman in Mississippi. She can cook like nobody’s business, but she can’t mind her tongue, so she’s lost yet another job. Minny finally finds a position working for someone too new to town to know her reputation. But her new boss has secrets of her own.

Seemingly as different from one another as can be, these women will nonetheless come together for a clandestine project that will put them all at risk. And why? Because they are suffocating within the lines that define their town and their times. And sometimes lines are made to be crossed.

In pitch-perfect voices, Kathryn Stockett creates three extraordinary women whose determination to start a movement of their own forever changes a town, and the way women, mothers, daughters, caregivers, friends, view one another. A deeply moving novel filled with poignancy, humor, and hope, The Help is a timeless and universal story about the lines we abide by, and the ones we don’t.

Goodreads Rating: 4.47

Beneath a Scarlett Sky by Mark T. Sullivan

Goodreads Description: Based on the true story of a forgotten hero, Beneath a Scarlet Sky is the triumphant, epic tale of one young man’s incredible courage and resilience during one of history’s darkest hours.

Pino Lella wants nothing to do with the war or the Nazis. He’s a normal Italian teenager—obsessed with music, food, and girls—but his days of innocence are numbered. When his family home in Milan is destroyed by Allied bombs, Pino joins an underground railroad helping Jews escape over the Alps, and falls for Anna, a beautiful widow six years his senior.

In an attempt to protect him, Pino’s parents force him to enlist as a German soldier—a move they think will keep him out of combat. But after Pino is injured, he is recruited at the tender age of eighteen to become the personal driver for Adolf Hitler’s left hand in Italy, General Hans Leyers, one of the Third Reich’s most mysterious and powerful commanders.

Now, with the opportunity to spy for the Allies inside the German High Command, Pino endures the horrors of the war and the Nazi occupation by fighting in secret, his courage bolstered by his love for Anna and for the life he dreams they will one day share.

Fans of All the Light We Cannot See, The Nightingale, and Unbroken will enjoy this riveting saga of history, suspense, and love.

Goodreads Rating: 4.43

The Devil May Dance by Jake Tapper

Goodreads Description: In this thriller, the husband-and-wife heroes of The Hellfire Club head to Hollywood to investigate Frank Sinatra —​ and become mired in a world of blackmail, the mob, and Hollywood scandal.

Charlie and Margaret Marder, political stars in 1960s Washington DC, know all too well how the tangled web of power in the nation’s capital can operate. But while they long to settle into the comforts of home, Attorney General Robert Kennedy has other plans. He needs them to look into a potential threat not only to the presidency, but to the security of the United States itself.

Charlie and Margaret quickly find themselves on a flight to sunny Los Angeles, where they’ll face off against a dazzling world of stars and studios. At the center of their investigation is Frank Sinatra, a close friend of President John F. Kennedy and a rumored mob crony, whom Charlie and Margaret must befriend to get the inside scoop. But in a town built on illusions, where friends and foes all look alike, nothing is easy, and drinks by the pool at the Sands and late-night adventures with the Rat Pack soon lead to a body in the trunk of their car. Before they know it, Charlie and Margaret are being pursued by sinister forces from Hollywood’s stages to the newly founded Church of Scientology, facing off against the darkest and most secret side of Hollywood’s power.

As the Academy Awards loom, and someone near and dear to Margaret goes missing, Charlie and Margaret find the clock is not only ticking but running out. Someone out there knows what they’ve uncovered and can’t let them leave alive. Corruption and ambition form a deadly mix in this fast-paced sequel to The Hellfire Club.

Goodreads Rating: 3.60

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

Goodreads Description: The mega-bestseller with more than 2 million readers—Now a Paramount+ with Showtime series starring Ewan McGregor as Count Alexander Rostov

From the #1 New York Times-bestselling author of The Lincoln Highway and Rules of Civility, a beautifully transporting novel about a man who is ordered to spend the rest of his life inside a luxury hotel

In 1922, Count Alexander Rostov is deemed an unrepentant aristocrat by a Bolshevik tribunal, and is sentenced to house arrest in the Metropol, a grand hotel across the street from the Kremlin. Rostov, an indomitable man of erudition and wit, has never worked a day in his life, and must now live in an attic room while some of the most tumultuous decades in Russian history are unfolding outside the hotel’s doors. Unexpectedly, his reduced circumstances provide him entry into a much larger world of emotional discovery.

Brimming with humor, a glittering cast of characters, and one beautifully rendered scene after another, this singular novel casts a spell as it relates the count’s endeavor to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a man of purpose.

Goodreads Rating: 4.33

The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles

Goodreads Description: The bestselling author of A Gentleman in Moscow and Rules of Civility and master of absorbing, sophisticated fiction returns with a stylish and propulsive novel set in 1950s America

In June, 1954, eighteen-year-old Emmett Watson is driven home to Nebraska by the warden of the work farm where he has just served a year for involuntary manslaughter. His mother long gone, his father recently deceased, and the family farm foreclosed upon by the bank, Emmett’s intention is to pick up his eight-year-old brother and head west where they can start their lives anew. But when the warden drives away, Emmett discovers that two friends from the work farm have hidden themselves in the trunk of the warden’s car. Together, they have hatched an altogether different plan for Emmett’s future.

Spanning just ten days and told from multiple points of view, Towles’s third novel will satisfy fans of his multi-layered literary styling while providing them an array of new and richly imagined settings, characters, and themes.

Goodreads Rating: 4.23

Shibumi  by Trevanian

Goodreads Description: A classic spy novel from the bestselling author, Trevanian, about a westerner raised in Japan who becomes one of the world’s most accomplished assassins.

Nicholai Hel is the world’s most wanted man. Born in Shanghai during the chaos of World War I, he is the son of an aristocratic Russian mother and a mysterious German father and is the protégé of a Japanese Go master. Hel survived the destruction of Hiroshima to emerge as the world’s most artful lover and its most accomplished—and well-paid—assassin. Hel is a genius, a mystic, and a master of language and culture, and his secret is his determination to attain a rare kind of personal excellence, a state of effortless perfection known only as shibumi.

Now living in an isolated mountain fortress with his exquisite mistress, Hel is unwillingly drawn back into the life he’d tried to leave behind when a beautiful young stranger arrives at his door, seeking help and refuge. It soon becomes clear that Hel is being tracked by his most sinister enemy—a supermonolith of international espionage known only as the Mother Company. The battle lines are drawn: ruthless power and corruption on one side, and on the other . . . shibumi .

Goodreads Rating: 4.18

The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

Goodreads Description: Cora is a slave on a cotton plantation in Georgia. Life is hell for all the slaves, but especially bad for Cora; an outcast even among her fellow Africans, she is coming into womanhood–where even greater pain awaits. When Caesar, a recent arrival from Virginia, tells her about the Underground Railroad, they decide to take a terrifying risk and escape. Matters do not go as planned–Cora kills a young white boy who tries to capture her. Though they manage to find a station and head north, they are being hunted.

In Whitehead’s ingenious conception, the Underground Railroad is no mere metaphor–engineers and conductors operate a secret network of tracks and tunnels beneath the Southern soil. Cora and Caesar’s first stop is South Carolina, in a city that initially seems like a haven. But the city’s placid surface masks an insidious scheme designed for its black denizens. And even worse: Ridgeway, the relentless slave catcher, is close on their heels. Forced to flee again, Cora embarks on a harrowing flight, state by state, seeking true freedom.

Like the protagonist of Gulliver’s Travels, Cora encounters different worlds at each stage of her journey–hers is an odyssey through time as well as space. As Whitehead brilliantly re-creates the unique terrors for black people in the pre-Civil War era, his narrative seamlessly weaves the saga of America from the brutal importation of Africans to the unfulfilled promises of the present day. The Underground Railroad is at once a kinetic adventure tale of one woman’s ferocious will to escape the horrors of bondage and a shattering, powerful meditation on the history we all share.

Goodreads Rating: 4.06

The Winter of Frankie Machine by Don Winslow

Goodreads Description: The author of The Death and Life of Bobby Z. and The Power of the Dog now gives us a fierce and funny new novel—and a blistering new take on the Mafia story.

Frank Machianno is a late-middle-aged ex–surf bum who runs a bait shack on the San Diego waterfront when he’s not juggling any of his other three part-time jobs or trying to get a quick set in on his longboard. He’s a stand-up businessman, a devoted father to his daughter, and a beloved fixture in the community.

Frank’s also a hit man. Specifically: a retired hit man. Back in the day, when he was one of the most feared members of the West Coast Mafia, he was known as Frankie Machine. Years ago Frank consigned his Mob ties to the past, which is where he wants them to stay. But a favor being called in now by the local boss is one Frank can’t refuse, and soon he’s sucked back into the treacherous currents of his former life. Someone from the past wants him dead. He has to figure out who, and why, and he has to do it fast.

The problem is that the list of candidates is about the size of his local phone book and Frank’s rapidly running out of time.

And then things go really bad.

Goodreads Rating: 4.18


The Costs of Being Married

I was married for 28 years before being divorced in 2016. Naturally, I got married because I was in love, but there was another pressure pushing me to tie the knot. I was 27 years old and all of my friends were already married. I never stopped to think about why I was getting married. It was just the next box that needed to be checked on the script that each of us is given in life.

Don’t get me wrong. I wanted to be married. I had sowed a lot of wild oats up until that point in my life, and I was ready to settle down with one person. I looked forward to building our life together, to starting a family, and to growing old together. What I didn’t realize on the day we said our vows was how hard marriage can be, how much work it takes, and in some ways, how unnatural it can feel.

I’ve always been the type of person who enjoys spending time with friends. As a kid and young adult, I was involved in a ton of different activities with a ton of different people. That continued when we were first married. We socialized with friends, both old and new. We’d take annual vacations with other couples. Our social network remained strong and active.

That changed when our friends started having kids. We didn’t see each other as often. My ex and I were the last in our group to have kids. By that time, we weren’t as involved in as many outside-the-home activities and we didn’t see our closest group of friends nearly as often. We were busy with other priorities. We were building careers, expanding our family, and enjoying all that young family life had to offer. At the time, we barely noticed that our social network was fraying and that we were much more isolated than we had ever been.

I’m a fan of long-term, monogamous relationships and believe such a relationship is necessary to have happiness and success in the rest of life. But I wonder if marriage, especially at my age where my kids are grown and out of the house, is a good idea. I’m not alone. According to a study conducted by Pew Research, only about 50% of American over the age of 18 are married. That’s down significantly from where it was in 1960, when 72% of American adults 18-years and older were married.

One shift we have seen in the past several decades is that people are getting married later in life. The median age for Americans getting married for the first time is 30 for men and 28 for women. While most never-married people plan to marry eventually, 41% say they aren’t sure if marriage is right for them. Of that group, about one-third says they don’t plan to ever marry. Despite these numbers, Americans still marry at higher percentages than in most Western countries, and we divorce at a rate higher than any other country.

There are reasons for this decline in marriage. It involves economic considerations (housing prices, student loans, etc.) and  job demands. Getting married and starting a family isn’t quite as easy as it used to be. But the thing that interests me more is the loneliness that comes along with being married.

I know that last sentence sounds counterintuitive. On the surface, being married should be less lonely than being single, right? In practice, it doesn’t work out that way.

As the great Russian writer, Anton Chekov once wrote, “If you’re afraid of loneliness, don’t marry.” According to two separate studies–one conducted at Boston College by Natalia Sarkisian, the other at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst by Naomi Gerstel–marriage tends to weaken, rather than build, ties. Married people tend to call or visit their extended family less often than their single peers, and they are less likely to offer a helping hand or emotional support. In addition, married people are less likely to socialize with friends and neighbors.

By contrast, single people (especially those that have never been married) are more likely to take care of ill and aging parents and siblings. They are also more likely to socialize with friends and neighbors, and offer support when help is needed.

Extrapolating this out, the researchers found that the trends continued, even after kids grew up and moved out. Older married couples found themselves together, but lonely. After years of not calling or visiting family, not socializing with friends nor neighbors, and not lending or asking for help, former social ties were frayed, if not broken. Friends had moved away from each other, making socializing more difficult. And meeting new people–especially in a post-Covid world–was not as simple as it had once been.

In recent years, I have had the opportunity to meet and date several women. One thing I have found is that the longer they have been without a serious relationship, the busier they tend to be. For some, so busy that they no longer have time for a committed relationship, despite the fact that they often yearn for such a relationship. They have rebuilt their life to include activities and friendships that keep them busy, and to a certain extent, fulfilled.

By contrast, women who have only gone a few years without a serious relationship tend to be more ready and available for another relationship. They haven’t yet jumped back into activities, organizations, and friendships that take up the majority of their time.

What does this mean? It appears that the farther away people get from marriage, the less lonely they tend to be and the more busy they become. There is a cost that comes with being married, a cost with raising a family and stretching, if not breaking, social ties.

When I look at my kids, I’m happy I got married and started a family. They are my heart. Yet, I mourn the damage done to friendships and my social life. We are quick to question the cost paid by someone who never marries nor has children, but we seldom question the cost of getting married and starting a family.

I wonder how my married friends feel about this. I’m certain that none of them would say that getting married and having kids was a mistake. But I wonder if they too feel the loneliness that comes once the kids are gone, the socialization with friends and neighbors has dwindled, and the days unfold uncertainly.

The older I get, the more I realize the importance of being around other people, supporting them, encouraging them, and being supported and encouraged in return. I want to be in a committed relationship, but I also want to spend time with friends and family. To me, that’s what life is all about.

