Following the 2024 Presidential Election, I unplugged for a while. I spent much less time on social media, I stopped watching news programs and reading political articles, and I stopped writing on the blog. I needed a break from what was an intense, eye-opening, and disappointing campaign and election season, and I didn’t feel much like working on any extracurricular writing.
The truth is, I don’t know if how I’ve been living the past few months is the right way to live. For a democracy to succeed, I think citizens need to be informed and involved. In fact, I’d say one of the reasons the election turned out the way it did is because too many citizens were uninformed. I think we need to push back when lies are told by people asking for our vote and challenge those that would dismantle our democracy for their own gain.
Even so, I don’t like feeling tense and pissed off all the time. I don’t like hearing about the chaos and outrageousness going on in the government, and I don’t want to jump back into the fray arguing about politics. So, at least for now, this is how I plan on living.
Although I don’t miss the political arguments and misinformation, I do miss writing about things that are on my mind or otherwise interesting to me, then sharing my writing with my friends. So, while I’m going to avoid political issues for the foreseeable future, I will be sharing my writing on Facebook and on my blog again. I’ll be writing about books I’m working on, history I find interesting, motivational articles, and maybe even some things going on in my personal life. I hope I write some things you find interesting and want to engage with.