Seeing the cover of a new book for the first time is always exciting. It’s like putting a face to a character. The book has lived on paper as just words for months or years, but once the cover is ready, those words really come to life. It makes the book and the story it tells real.
I’m excited to introduce the cover for A Thousand Ways Home. I wanted a cover that had some history to it, and that gave a dark, foreboding feeling. Much of the story takes place in England during World War II. It was a dark time in history when hope was in short supply. German bombs had decimated much of London, and Londoners were forced to live in a bombed-out war zone, while also carrying on with their daily activities. I think the cover depicts that time perfectly.
A Thousand Ways Home will be available beginning on July 5 at and at your local bookstore. Without further adieu, here is the cover for A Thousand Ways Home: